The CA Employee Ownership Act is headed to Governor Newsom’s Desk!

The WORC Coalition has exciting news to share: SB 1407, the CA Employee Ownership Act, passed out of the CA Assembly with unanimous support! 

We expect SB 1407 to head to Governor Newsom’s desk early next week. We need your help to urge Governor Newsom to sign the CA Employee Ownership Act into law! Please take a moment to submit an SB 1407 signature request letter to Governor Newsom by Thursday, September 1st. 

Here is how to submit a letter: 

  1. Make a copy of the template letter. Fill in your organization’s information and sign the letter (electronic signatures work).
  2. Email your support letter to the WORC Coalition Coordinator Bernadette at and she’ll send it to Governor Newsom on your behalf.

We are so thankful to all of you who previously submitted a support letter to a legislative committee, and we ask that you submit a new one address to Governor Newsom. Your people power has gotten the bill passed out of the Senate and Assembly with unanimous support, and we need your help one last time to ensure this bill becomes law!

Again, many thanks for all your continued support. Feel free to reach out to the WORC Coalition Coordinator Bernadette at if you have any questions.

The CA Employee Ownership Act passed out of Assembly Appropriations!

The WORC Coalition is excited to share that SB 1407, the CA Employee Ownership Act, passed out of the CA Assembly Appropriations Committee last week! This means the bill will be heard on the Assembly Floor in the coming weeks.

We are so thankful to each of you who took action to support the CA Employee Ownership Act over the past months. Your letters of support, tweets, and calls to legislators were instrumental in demonstrating strong public support for this bill and passing this hurdle.

Again, many thanks to all who have supported SB 1407. We will share action items to support the bill through the final stages of the legislative process soon!